nuove date
2 - 5 giugno 2022
Kelly Bullard

KELLY BULLARD, is a fitness professional traveling the globe inspiring and educating people of all ages for over 25 years. She holds a Master’s Degree in Sports Administration, Bachelor’s Degrees in Physical Education and Health Education, has taught at the University level as an Adjunct Professor, taught 11 years as a High School Teacher, and is a former coach of high school softball, golf, track & field, and competitive dance. Kelly is a Strong Nation Master Trainer and a Zumba® Education Specialist since 2009. She has an extensive fitness background with an abundance of fitness certifications, and has presented in over 38 countries and for many global Fitness Conference events including IHRSA Brazil, IHRSA (USA), IDEA, SCW Mania, Empower, AAAI/ISMA, AEA, CanFitPro, and is an annual presenter for the Zumba Convention. Kelly is a continuing education provider and specializes in health and fitness for people of all ages. She appears in several Zumba DVD’s, monthly ZIN Now Specialty videos, and was one of the 2015 Zumba Fitness Concert performers. She is the highlighted instructor and choreographer in Aqua Zumba Volume 6.